My First Post

Monday, September 21, 2015

So, finally I've decided to write a blog. After lurking on so many others' sites, dropping comments here and there, it's time to put my thoughts down, to get them out there, to share with others my passion for working with children in the early years.

At this moment in time, the purpose of this blog is to connect with others, to share ideas and to document my experiences, thought processes and learning. In particular I want to explore the Frobelian Approach, and what this looks like in contemporary practice. I have a passion for learning through play and for developing creativity and I hope to explore these topics often.

Please comment, get in touch, ask questions. Being part of a community of practitioners/researchers/learners, is what it's all about.

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  1. Thank you for sending me a link to this Catriona, I shall follow your blog with eagerness and anticipation. Hx

