After an interesting discussion on Twitter today about naming conventions in block play, I was asked if I had a copy of an image that I use in my training PowerPoint. After a bit of digging I have found an original copy which is of much higher quality. A big thanks to my past colleague Janette Gaunt who created this image. There is...
Throwing out the Plastic; Constructing an environment which supports the development of high quality creative play
In Scottish education, there is a developing focus on practitioner enquiry as an approach to professional learning and also to school improvement. The most successful education systems ...invest in developing their teachers as reflective, accomplished and enquiring professionals who have the capacity to engage fully with the complexities of education and to be key actors in shaping and leading educational change. (Donaldson, 2011,...
A key element in a Froebelian approach is the role of the adult. An ability to listen and observe and know when to step in or when to hold back is crucial. Sometimes adults feel they have to step in and solve problems for children, but a problem is such a rich source of learning. C: We’re making a dinosaur. It’s a Stegasaurous....
Frederick Froebel (1782-1852) Frederick Froebel is one of the most significant influences on early years education today and yet most of us know very little about him. In September 2012 I had the opportunity to enrol on the Froebel in Early Childhood Education course at Edinburgh University. I began the course not knowing much about Friedrich Froebel but hoping to explore the...
So, finally I've decided to write a blog. After lurking on so many others' sites, dropping comments here and there, it's time to put my thoughts down, to get them out there, to share with others my passion for working with children in the early years. At this moment in time, the purpose of this blog is to connect with others, to share...